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What we treat


Headaches and Migraines, Acute and chronic neck pain, Nerve entrapment, Jaw discomfort, Disc bulges etc.

Human body front and back

Non-specific low back pain, Sciatica, Facet lock, Muscle spasm, Disc bulges/herniations, Rheumatoid disease, Arthritis, SIJ dysfunction, SPD (pre-natal), Work-related overuse etc. 

Repetitive wrist strain, Tennis and Golfers’ elbow, Carpal tunnel syndrome etc. 

Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, Running injuries, Generalised knee pain, Knee pain in children etc.

Osteoarthritis, Snapping hip syndrome, Gluteal pain, Piriformis syndrome, Sporting injuries etc.

Poor posture (hunch back), Scoliosis, Stress related pain, Poor breathing mechanics, Rib Strain etc.

Rotator cuff injuries, Acromioclavicular dysfunction / injuries, Osteoarthritis of shoulder, Tendonitis & Bursitis etc.



Elbow & Wrist


Cervical spine



Achilles pain, Plantar-fasciitis, Arthritis, Biomechanics and gait assessments etc.

At CW Osteopathy, we treat a wide range of people from general public, pre and post-natal women, elderly, children and sports injuries. Whatever the complaint, we will have an answer and are here to help.

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