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Charley Windley M.Ost

Principle Osteopath

I graduated from the University College of Osteopathy in 2020 with a Masters in Osteopathy. I am a structural based Osteopath with speciality in the Biopsychosocial Model. I believe, in order to understand a person's medical condition, it's not just the biological factors to consider. But, also the psychological and social factors. Everyday life can affect and contribute to your symptoms. 

I fell in love with manual therapy at 10 years old when I use to sell hand massages in a youth club for 20p. I always had a love for sport at a young age and started to develop interest in anatomy and physiology at school. My father was seeing an Osteopath and introduced me to the profession. Having experienced chronic illness with my mother, I felt attracted to the idea of helping people feel better. The idea of Osteopathy and looking at the body as one, with a patient centred approach is different to traditional medicine. I then fell in love with the holistic and alternative approach to healthcare. Why do we typically treat symptoms and not the root cause?

Charley is registered with the General Osteopathic Council and insured with the Institute of Osteopathy.


Matthew Quenet M.Ost

Associate Osteopath

As an Osteopath with ​over 4 years experience, whatever the type of technique, I will do what I can to help someone. My time at the European School of Osteopathy (ESO), started off my foundation that Osteopathy (and all other medical subjects), must be based on a mutual trust with the patient. I have discovered a deep interest in treating patients with headaches, particularly cervcogenic headaches, which became the focus of my dissertation. I've gained hands-on experience working in specialised headache clinic, further honing my skills. 

I chose to become a Osteopath because I always wanted to be able to help people, while remaining active within myself. I enjoy my job deeply and love being able to share its benefits with everyone. I have recently spent a year working in New Zealand, enabling me to expand my structural expertise while incorporating vital functional elements in my treatment. I strongly believe in addressing the connection between mental and physical health, ensuring trust and patient consent are central to my practice. My approach is tailored to each patient, using a combination of structural and light functional techniques to achieve the best possible outcome. 

Matthew is registered with the General Osteopathic Council and insured with the Institute of Osteopathy. 

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