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CW Osteopathy is a complimentary healthcare clinic offering a wide range of services:

I am dedicated to getting you out of pain and feeling better, with whatever treatment approach is best for you. If you have any questions about the treatment provided, then please get in touch.

Private Healthcare Claims and referral letters are provided upon request.

Osteopath treating leg injury


These are combined techniques that include soft tissue massage, joint manipulations, muscle energy techniques, joint articulation and muscle stretching. 

Osteopath taping a shoulder

Sports taping

If you have a suspected sports injury or joint instability for example, sports taping is provided to help you feel more comfortable moving your joints. 

Person doing band exercises


Once the patient is happy with their goals, a computerised rehabilitation program is produced for patients to regain strength and confidence in using their once injured area. 

Hands massaging a back

Sports massage

60 minute full body sports massage with combined osteopathic treatment for maintenance. 

Appointment fees and information

During an initial consultation, a thorough case history is taken to understand your symptoms, past medical history and your lifestyle. An examination using a combination of palpation, movement and special tests will be completed to rule out differential diagnoses. Next, a diagnosis and a clear explanation of what we have found will be given, so you can understand what is going on. Followed by advice and a management plan. Treatment is provided on the day. If necessary, a rehabilitation plan will be generated. Follow up appointments are determined after the consultation. Block Bookings are unavailable. 

Initial Consultation
  (Up to 1 hour)  


45 Minute Follow-up appointment


30 Minute Follow-up appointment 


60 Minute Sports Massage


I have been seeing Charley for about 6 weeks now and I am so happy with my treatment. I have been suffering with pain and stiffness in my neck, back and legs for several months, in part a result of working at my kitchen table!!


Charley's treatment has been transformative, my pain has significantly reduced, my flexibility and mobility have significantly increased as has my overall sense of wellbeing. Charley is professional, personable and very knowledgeable.


I could not recommend her more highly!! (5 star)

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